Fully-funded clean energy solutions to decarbonise buildings, attract tenants and improve returns
We work with landlords and their consultants to design solar solutions and power purchase agreements tailored to their commercial and sustainability aspirations.
Applications and permissions from the local DNO and other stakeholders (e.g. tenants, insurers)
System design, procurement of installers, purchasing equipment, and system installation
Ongoing monitoring and maintenance of the system, including regular reporting to the client
Our funding partners are long-term renewable investors with a substantial funding commitment that extends to large portfolios
Our flexible structure allows us to create bespoke arrangements with a range of counter-parties, including potential to share in revenue
Our partners are some of the longest-standing installers of solar PV in the industry
To enquire about fully-funded solar which adds value to your portfolio and contributes to your sustainability goals, reach out below:
We do. We attempt to mitigate this risk by 1, undertaking a detailed roof survey and repairing any areas that need works, 2, using a proven fixing product and method that are guaranteed by the manufacturer and 3, requiring our EPCs to provide guarantees on their work. Should all of this fail we will take responsibility for any leaks that occur and resolve them as soon as possible within our O&M SLAs.
Yes, one of our first steps is to look into any existing strategies or to speak with any appointed consultants to ensure we are providing the right solution. The effect of rooftop solar PV is to reduce the business’ net energy demand from the grid, and therefore doesn’t disrupt any other form of energy procurement or purchasing relationships (other than reduce the amount that needs to be bought). We have partners who specialise in other renewable technology (such as wind or battery storage), if it is relevant to a particular business.
We subcontract this typically to the EPC who has installed the system. We monitor the system remotely and will ensure they perform reactive and scheduled maintenance to achieve optimal performance.
We own the system and sell you the energy, so we are completely responsible and incentivised to ensure that it is maintained or replaced and operating at optimal production throughout its lifespan. We know that you have other key focuses, so we ensure that any work required (during installation or otherwise) does not cause disruption to your business (often working outside of typical business hours to guarantee this is the case).
Our typical position is that we stay on the roof for the next occupier and often find that this can be a key selling point of the building. We will also build in a buy out clause should you or the future occupier wish us to remove the system from the building.
We offer end-to-end solar project management for landlords looking to fund the installation of solar across their portfolio. Reduce management burden and move solar up the agenda.
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